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this is the ask eric corner. he know it all.

Dear Eric,
My penis is really small, so what should I do? -Jimmy

Well, you are definately NOT going to get laid. So you need to change that. -Eric the all-knowing

Dear Eric,

Everyone in the world hates me. I think it's because I always call everyone a fag. Or an asshole. What can I do to make them my friends again? -Kelli

Dear Kelli,

If you don't have any friends, you are fucked. Well, I think you should go around and kiss everyone's ass. From, Eric the all-knowing

Ms. Morgan: Dear Eric, I have a HUGE hemoroid on my ass. I mean it's really huge and I think it's gonna pop soon. It makes me a bitch all the time. When I teach my students I'm a bitch. When I'm around human beings I'm a bitch. I'm just a big fat ugly bitch with frizzy hair and a GIGANTIC hemoroid on my ass. Please help.

ITS GONNA BLOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW (from, Eric the all-knowing)

Dear Eric,
     I have a smokin issue. I've been smokin since I was about 10 years old. What should I do?              --Sarah

Dear Sarah,
     Get some goddamn nicotine gum.....and give me some too.


Kewl Away Messages

Cammy's Corner sux ass